vendredi 22 décembre 2006

ijdelheid der ijdelheden

Voila, c'est parti.

The Christmas break has arrived, two freshly cooked crabs are cooling, the gravad lax is halfway done, as is a bottle of Cerdon. All perfectly good things to scribble down in a blog.

So, this Blog is about my diet then? Well, no. But I am not sure what it is about. Let's see... But it is very likely that it will be boring, because I intend to keep track of work-related stuff here. You see, in the coming two weeks I will be on-call for many of the services in the Cern Computer Center. In principle these services run themselves, but in practice they need lots of TLC.

I will therefore keep track of the support calls I will receive, and of how I handle them. This should give an idea of the maturity of our services, and the quality of our procedure and workflows. I think we should organize a post-mortem with the other support people, to compare notes.

But let's not forget that the Christmas break has started. Or, in the words of Nikos: C'est parti!

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